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Alliance Française de Tallahassee

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AFTally December Newsletter 


Dear Members of the Aftally community:

Joyeuses fêtes!! We are grateful for you.

We have two events this Saturday, Dec. 14th. The first of these is Children’s Christmas Song and Storybook hour from 1-2p.m. with refreshments. Then at 6p.m. we are having our Fête de Noël at 6p.m. Venez nombreux!

Registration is now open on our website at Our winter session begins the week of January 13th and runs for 8 weeks. We are offering a variety of courses, and will have workshops as well, so keep an eye on our website on a regular basis.

We listened to your feedback: going forward, aftally will be adding a support text to our classes to compliment our Interactions series. We are structuring the schedule so that people can take advantage of our free conversation hour with membership (regardless of which class you take!) And for those feeling shy about participating, we will be reinforcing speaking more with a gentle approach.

Our November Lafayette talk with Anna Burnley, and our Beaujolais wine tasting with Jen Hinson were both a huge success. We will be announcing more speakers and wine-tastings soon!

Please join us for these activities and look out for many more in 2025!

                   Meilleurs Voeux!


AFTally Announcement , December, 2024

Announcing 2 Events on Saturday, December 14th!

Both are at our NEW Location: Alliance Française of Tallahassee, 541 East Tennessee St (Across from Leon High School).



Sat., Dec 14 (early afternoon) Children’s Christmas Song and
Storybook Hour,  1-2 p.m.

We will learn and sing French Christmas Carols and read children’s Christmas storybooks.

Parents, come learn alongside your child.

Sat., Dec 14 (evening) Christmas Party, 6 p.m.

We will toast to the fall session and look ahead to our winter session.

This is an informal wine & hors d’oeuvres celebration of the season!

There will be information about upcoming activities and events available.

AFTally Newsletter, November, 2024

Dear Friends of Alliance Francaise of Tallahassee,

Welcome to our inaugural newsletter for our new location at 541 East Tennessee street in the EJBlack center. We love our new establishment and its location closer to midtown and downtown.

Come join us for some wonderful activities in November!

Tuesday Nov 13, (6:30p.m.) Talk with refreshments: "Cur non? Lafayette's Early Life and the Road to 1824-1825" Dr. Anna Burnley

Friday Nov 15,6-8p.m. November Wine Tasting: Burgundy region, ($15, bring your own wine glass).

We are in the throes of our fall language and culture classes. Currently we are teaching French for new Beginners (Wed.), Beginning French 1 (Mondays), Intermediate (Thursdays) and Advanced (Mondays). Soon we will offer short courses as well, so stay tuned.

Our website at has been revamped to offer something that reflects the local as well as the global francophone and francophile communities. We are adding new material regularly to keep it growing and refreshed.

Upcoming workshops, short-courses, and a new spring literature course:

Dr. Maggie McColley will be leading a workshop called: Avoir or Etre? soon. As one of the more challenging features of the French language, it is necessary to choose between Avoir and Etre in several compound tenses. We will have a lively discussion that will help the choice become more obvious for you. Stay tuned for day/time of the workshop at's Home Page.

Dr. Anna Burnley will kick off a series of talks with hers on General Lafayette on November 13th. Venez Nombreux!

Dr. Burnley will also be teaching a course this spring on the novel "La Princesse de Cleves" in which you will also learn about digital tools built for the study of the novel.

In 2024 we launched several mini courses that were a hit, and plan to do more of the same.

Merci beaucoup encore~ we again thank Madame Danielle Wright for her beautiful donation of Colette's works to our association.

En espérant vous voir bientôt les amis d'AFTally!

Hoping to see you soon, friends of AFTally!

Dr. Maggie McColley, President & Academic Director

and all of the members of the Board:

Mary Bradford

Gary Fournier

Tammy Platt

Alan Platt

Clayton Reck

Charlotte Stuart-Tilly

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